
Peace Zodanou is a Togolese American who grew up as a goody two shoes child (but their parents will probably disagree).

They have since matured into an author of stories about young protagonists who are terrified of breaking rules but do it anyway. They live in Arizona with their partner and children. When not busy writing you can find them gushing about books and food on Instagram or playing a farming game.


The Sisterhood Of Alobibi

Current work in progress
A middle grade sci-fi heist about a sisterhood of thieves and the girl who betrays them.

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Rooting For U Pod

Rooting For U Pod is a podcast for all writers on their publishing journeys! Expect tips, stories, and a lot of laughs along the way!

Subscribe and listen on Spotify, Apple Podcast, or Google Podcast.

Contact Me

For business inquiries please contact: eforney@bookendsliterary.com.
Follow me on Twitter, Instagram, Post, or Spoutible.